Many men undergo a crisis of confidence because they have a voice that is high slanting and womanly. The not only affects their personality, it also severely affects their ego and societal footing. This is not a superficial thing. Men with strong and deep voices feel much more convinced and this confidence inspires other people to group around them and improves their common repute. It is genuine, confidence shows in how you work, verbalize and even in your body posture. Given below is a small list on how deeper voices profit a character.

• At the very first case, a deeper voice impresses ladies. Many women get attracted to men with deep voices. They seem instinctively to think that a male with a deeper voice is mannish, unfailing, impressive and trustworthy.
• Deeper voices make a female sexually excited. They get turned on. It is a proven actuality the men with deeper voices have fathered more children.
• Deeper voices are better for communication and make you popular in a party. You can mimic your beloved film star and negotiate an accepted dialogue from a movie and entertain friends at a party.
• Deeper voices inspire interviewers and make people think you are reliable, so they are a great help at receiving a job.
• Deeper voices can help get jobs in media and entertainment business; you could get the option of hosting a radio show or a talk show. You could even do a voice over for an entertainment show.
So how do you get a deeper voice? There are a few methods that can help you

◦When you are sitting or standing comfortably, compose your chin down with your jowl above you chest and commence humming. Do you observe that when you take your chin higher the pitch will convert to a more feminine sound? This means that your vocal chords are tense and may basic some exercise to get them in shape. The muscle in your throat, called the larynx, or more commonly known as your voice box, is like a muscle. Repeat this task throughout your day and you will feel an improvement.
◦Another approach might be surgery on your voice box. The surgery is called a laryngoplastic phonosurgery. This can help.
◦Try breathing exercises. Breathe from the nose.  Breathing from the mouth makes the voice quality weak.
◦Some men have taken hormonal replacement therapy. It can be useful but has unwanted side effects.
◦Hypnotherapy can work too.  It improves confidence and this not only makes a person more at ease, it impacts the voice in a beneficial way.
◦An voice coach can help you with voice modulation that changes the tone and tenor.  You sound better and more confident.
◦Music lessons can also help because it exercises the larynx and also improves the pitch of your voice.